Orden de la Democracia Simón Bolívar
On October 24, 2024, in the context of COP16, the UN biodiversity conference in Calí, Colombia, I was honored by the Colombian House of Representatives with the "Orden de la Democracia Simón Bolívar" on recommendation of the honorable delegate Julia Miranda.
This is the House of Representatives' resolution

This is the official document of the resolution of the Colombian House of Representatives to condecorate Mathis Wackernagel with the Orden de la Democracia Simon Bolívar. I was honored simultaneously with Margarita Marino de Botero, a giant of the environmental movement of both Colombia and the world. She was also one of the 18 members of the Brundtland Commission. The best is, she continues to inspire young researchers. As we walked together to a restaurant, we started with 5 people and by the time we arrived at the restaurant, we were already 20 people, a good portion of them we never met before. This is who she is: An unstoppable enabler.

This is the rationale behind the resolution

Jorge Andrés
Cancimance López
Representate a la Cámera
Julia Miranda Londoño
Representate a la Cámera
Dr. Mauricio Cabrera
Vice-ministro de Ambiente

This one-minute video summarizes my speech in which I explained the ecological advantage of Colombia, whose population is among the 15% of humanity living in a country with more biocapacity than they use for their own needs.